L'un des produits hyaluroniques les plus efficaces pour le traitement des rides, qui sont offerts sur le marché, Revofil Fine est un produit de comblement dermique (cosmétique injectable) destiné à éliminer les rides et ridules, ainsi qu'à stimuler l'hydratation de la peau. Avec ce gel HA, la peau retrouvera rapidement son aspect jeune et rajeuni.
Revofil Fine is a very soft skin filler, as it’s focus is to seamlessly fill and remove even the most delicate depressions on the surface of the skin. The idea is to not form bumps or lumps in the area of injection and for the HA filler to naturally “flow”, making it indistinguishable from real skin tissues. Revofil Fine’s aim, in terms of usage, is to offer an instant wrinkle removal solution, with lasting skin rejuvenating effect, but with minimum discomfort for the patient.
What separates the Revofil brand from other Korean or European fillers, is the fact it’s based on a Hyaluronic acid and peptide combination. Caregen are truly the expects when it comes to making skin solutions based on peptides. The ingredients of the Revofil Fine wrinkle filler are specifically selected and balanced to amplify the rejuvenating effect on the skin that Hyaluron has, boosting the effect and helping to restore valuable nutrients and moisture to the skin.