While Caregen is probably a name most people associate with mesotherapy products and skin care solutions, Revofil is their brand of filler gel products for facial treatment, wrinkle removal and skin rejuvenation. The secret is, as with all their products – the peptides. They are the unquestionable leader when it comes to creating skin rejuvenating solutions based on the power of peptides.
This is the case with the Revofil filler line, as well. This injectable gel is primarily based on the Hyaluronic acid – a natural to the human body substance, which is practically vital to the hydration metabolism of the skin. With the correct peptides added the end product is a much more stable filler than most offers on the market and the HA gel has just the right viscoelasticity to deal with moderate to deep skin depression, especially more pronounced problems like marionette lines and nasolabial folds.
Le mastic Revofil Plus est une solution appropriée pour traiter à la fois les rides et les plis liés et ceux causés par des facteurs environnementaux ou autres. Il s'agit d'une solution injectable très efficace pour les zones de traitement du visage présentant une perte de volume notable. De plus, la consistance et la viscoélasticité du gel de remplissage en font une méthode appropriée pour modeler les lèvres et ajouter du volume supplémentaire à cette zone.