Polynucleotides or simply PN is the better version of the PDRN compound. It has higher molecular weight and extended the duration of the positive effect on the skin that RE:Prima i has. Completely biocompatible, it is derived via a complex process of splitting salmon DNA. In cosmetology and the beauty industry it is preferred for it’s skinboosting properties, especially in regard to improving collagen production and improving skin health.
La niacinamida, por otro lado, es un complejo de vitamina B, que se utiliza a menudo en soluciones para mejorar la piel, ya que tiene un efecto iluminador notable, además de mejorar el tono general de la piel. Además, amplificará la influencia positiva de la NP en la síntesis de colágeno y elastina, al tiempo que fortalecerá la membrana celular dérmica y hará que la dermis superior sea más resistente y menos propensa a sufrir heridas.
RE:Prima i es un producto que se anuncia específicamente para el área de los ojos. Y, de hecho, puede resolver rápidamente problemas como:
- Crow’s Feet
- Ojeras
- Circulos oscuros
- Arrugas periorbitarias
However, it’s also a flexible solution. The RE:Prima i skinbooster is a powerful tool for full facial rejuvenation and it will effectively improve the health, radiance and elasticity of the skin in various aprts of the face. Boosting collagen synthesis and promoting a natural lifting and smoothing effect, this Polynucleotide filler will fix issues with skin hydration and texture in the long term, with its positive influence on fibroblasts, which directly increases the amount of synthesized collagen and produced elastin fibers.