Unlike Europen filler brands, which tend to have a designated “lip filler”, the Elasty D Plus effectively deals with two separate problems without needing a “specialized” counterpart. The direct result of years of development and research by the leading Korean manufacturer Dongbang Medical Co., Ltd., the Elasty line of Hyaluronic fillers.
The secret to the HA gel’s stability is the above mentioned PNET technology. This abbreviation stands for Preserved Natural Entanglement Technology. It is a special method for cross-linking HA particles, which leaves no non-linked BDDE agents, making the skin filler not only higher quality, but also safer to the patient.
Pero, ¿para qué se utilizan los rellenos Elasty D?
Verdaderamente, uno de los rellenos dérmicos más versátiles del mercado, Elasty G Plus es una herramienta altamente efectiva para:
- Lip enhancement – volume improvement, shape correction, overall contouring
- Nasolabial fold removal – effective correction from mid to deep skin folds
- Marionette line correction – also for mid to deep depression filling
- Minor rhinoplasty – the Elasty D Plus filler is the correct thickness for some minor nose corrections
Rara vez hay un relleno de labios tan versátil como Elasty D. Viene en un paquete doble, una caja de gel hialurónico permite mejorar el enlace y corregir la depresión profunda de la piel en el mismo procedimiento.