Indicaciones recomendadas de Revolax Fine
- Ofrece un tratamiento sin complicaciones de las líneas glabelares
- Corrección rápida de las arrugas del cuello.
- Da a la piel un aspecto más saludable.
- Long-lasting removal of crow’s feet
El ácido hialurónico es el componente principal de esta solución de rejuvenecimiento cosmético. Es una sustancia que se encuentra de forma natural en el organismo humano y asegura que la piel se mantenga hidratada, radiante, elástica y con un aspecto juvenil. El HA de este producto es de origen sintético, no animal y es 100% seguro, biocompatible y se disolverá completamente con el tiempo.
El relleno de piel perfecto para esas zonas faciales muy delicadas.
This product is applied to the superficial dermis via an injection – a procedure that needs to be carried out by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon or cosmetic practitioner. What is special about it, however, is the fact that it can be used on facial areas where the skin is typically too thin or gentle to be treated with an HA filler such as the tear troughs. Even there, Revolax Fine offers results that look natural and that will last between 8-12 months because this product has a low percentage of gel migration and a dense and consistent monophasic structure. Given that it also contains lidocaine, pain during the injection procedure is out of the question. Side effects are quite rare and are mild, non-harmful and temporary.