What sets the Karisma RH filler from other products for facial rejuvenation is how effectively it penetrates the extracellular matrix and addresses the most important problem of aging skin – the low synthesis of collagen. Rather than “artificially” volumize the skin using HA gel, Karisma sets about to restore the damaged extracellular structures that hold the upper dermis. This not only provides a lifting effect, which pulls the sagging surface skin tissues back, but in the process produces large amounts of strong and high-quality collagen fibers, which drastically improve the strength, health and elasticity of the skin.
Este proceso comienza con la introducción de grandes cantidades de ácido hialurónico altamente concentrado, que ya es un método popular para mejorar la piel. HA es natural para la piel y juega un papel vital para mantenerla hidratada. Karisma restaura los niveles de ácido hialurónico naturalmente reducidos por la edad y ayuda a nuestra piel a retener cantidades mucho mayores de humedad. Esto se ve amplificado aún más por la carboximetilcelulosa que ralentiza su disolución en el cuerpo. Ambos ayudan a crear las condiciones perfectas en la ECM para que los fibroblastos sinteticen colágeno.
That process is unlocked by the r-Polypeptide α1 Chain, which is a key element in collagen production. Not only does it stimulate collagen production by the fibroblasts, but it helps the procollagen molecules to form strong strains, entangled in triple helix conformation – the most resilient and elastic form of collagen in the skin, that directly improves the overall elasticity and youthfulness of the dermis.